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Autumn seminar: Representation
From Monday, 29. October 2018 -  08:00
To Tuesday, 30. October 2018 - 17:00
by: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Location : University of Bergen

This course will focus on the problem of representation, with religion as the main subject but with relevance for broader studies of values and society. The course includes methodological issues on the researcher position in the field, on the outsider/insider problem, and the wider scholarly debates on “emic” and “etic” approaches in empirical research. In this course several of these issues will be addressed and discussed in key-notes and seminar groups.    

How is religion represented? Who is representing the religions, and what kind of impact does these various representations have on people´s perceptions of religion in contemporary societies? Within the study of religion representation is one of the core issues. How do we represent our research object (or subject), and how do we portray the people we study? Is there a difference in how we represent ancient religions and new religions, the so-called dead religions vs. living religion(s)? And if so, why is that? Today (social) media play an important role in the mediatisation and medialisation of religions, and recent studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between these media representations and people’s attitudes.


Deadline for  registration 15 June