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The Research School RVS received in 2016 a grant from the Norwegian Research Council to become a National Research School.

The grant is for 23 million NOK, and runs for 8 years, from 2016 to 2023. You can read more about the grant here.

This funding will allow the RVS to consolidate its existing activities and expand with new courses and initiatives, as well as new partners.


The new RVS was launched February 9th at MF: Launching the new RVS

You can read in interview (in Norwegian) with Pål Repstad at UiA about the new RVS here.

You can read an interview with RVS Director Geir Afdal about the consequences of this here: Bigger and Better

You can read a report on the grant, in Norwegian, from Vårt Land (02.11.2015) here.