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Marianne Rodriguez Nygaard

MF Norwegian School of Theology




Project title

Deacons’ knowledge creation processes in the Church of Norway


Please describe your project in 3-5 sentences

It is an ethnographic study of 5 deacons’ knowledge creation processes in their everyday work, and the relation between knowledge creation processes and care. Findings show there is a relation between how we relate to each other and what kind of knowledge that is established. Further, within the diaconal field, questions are continuously raised about what diaconia actually is. My study contributes to show empirically what characterizes diaconia and care from the perspectives of my informants.


What are you doing right now?

The PhD – thesis is article based, and I am writing the discussion part in the extended abstract. I will also go through the whole extended abstract and rewrite were it is necessary.


How has RVS helped your project?

I have participated in three Lesvos Summer Courses, which were really helpful because of the high quality of the lectures and the inspiring discussions with the lecturers and not at least the PhD students. In addition, Lesvos is a beautiful and peaceful place, and the program facilitates time to talk, reflect and enjoy the wonderful surroundings.


What would you like to have more of in RVS?

Based on my research interests, I hope the diaconal research field could be represented, as well as the interdisciplinary research field that combines religion and health.